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What are 

Lab-Grown Diamonds?

The lab grown diamond phenomenon offers structurally and chemically identical diamonds to that of mined diamonds, and gives peace of mind to buyers. As a consumer, you can rest assure that you are getting the best carat to the value proposition, possible.

It’s an All Around Win

Lab grown diamonds take the guess-work out of determining whether you are buying the best diamonds for your money, or not. Not only does it make the diamond buying process easier, but it also makes the curating process easier, enabling us to provide the most high quality & economical jewelry products on the market.

All About Lab-created Diamonds

The Evolution of Lab-Created Diamonds

Evolution of Man-made Diamonds

Although lab grown diamonds have now become readily available in the mass consumer market, lab grown diamonds have been in use since the early 1990s, and have been dated back to the nineteenth century.

Lab-grown diamond success has impacted industrial growth effecting major end-use segments like construction and electronics. These diamonds can be used in cutting, drilling, polishing and have excellent thermal and electrical properties and can be used as conductors. The list of solutions lab grown diamonds offer creates a better choice for the world over.

With enhancements in technology, scientists have learned how to create high-quality consumer focused diamonds, at a fraction of the cost.

Celebrity endorsements of lab grown diamonds has also increased attention to the new process. High-profile associations (e.g. Leonardo DiCaprio) have legitimized lab-grown diamonds as credible and worthy of recognition in the marketplace. Visible famous ambassadors generate publicity in the entertainment, fashion and business press accelerating pure grown diamond acceptance as jewelry options.

What’s the Difference Between

 a Lab-Made Diamond and a Mined Diamond?

Nothing. From a value perspective, the difference is enormous. It’s a no-brainer for a consumer to want the same product for less monetary costs as well as a host of other ethical or social costs. From a chemical perspective, lab grown diamonds have the exact same chemical composition to that of a mined diamond.

Chemical Composition of Lab-Grown Diamonds and Mined Diamonds

Chemical Composition of Lab-grown and Mined Diamonds

The process of mining diamonds is labor intensive, exceedingly more expensive and exceptionally time-consuming. The process of producing lab grown diamonds has become increasingly less expensive and fractionally less laborious and time-consuming.

Lab-Grown Diamond Market

The Outlook of Lab-Grown Diamonds

The market size for lab-grown diamonds is rising in all facets. The growth is happening organically with little organized marketing. One of the mined diamond market’s largest recent obstacles has been catering to the millennial consumer. 

Millennial attitude toward social responsiveness is astronomical. Not only is their desire for humanitarian abuse to be completely eradicated but their awareness of abuse is accessible at the click of a mouse. Supply and demand for mined diamonds remain unstable causing retailers to embrace the new method of producing a quality product. 

The positives that favor lab-grown diamonds far outweigh any negatives making it easier to sell.

How is a Lab-Grown Diamond Made?

The entire growing process requires an incredibly controlled environment and every diamond must complete the entire growth cycle. Labs use pressure and temperature to dissolve ground carbon into a diamond seed and then layering that seed with carbon and sealing it into a vacuum chamber produces a new stone over just a few short weeks.

The chemical, optical and physical properties are exactly the same as those mined from the earth without taking billions of years from pressure from the earth’s crust and volcanic activity to generate the specific crystal configuration called a diamond cubic. This process is mimicked in lab-gown diamonds to provide brilliant, ethical and cost-efficient diamonds.

Lab Diamond FAQ

Do lab diamonds sparkle rainbow? 

No, Lab Grown or mined diamonds do not sparkle rainbow. Some stones like Moissanite, Cubic Zirconia or a Rhinestone may shine rainbow,but not diamonds.

Can I grow diamonds at home? 

Yes. If you have a deep knowledge about diamonds and its associated characteristics, are a chemical scientist and can develop a lab in your garage with all the right equipment, you may grow Lab Grown Diamonds at home. But,remember, your cost will be higher due to investment in all the above. 

Why not leave it to experts then?

Will lab diamonds pass diamond tests? 

Yes, they do!


Some of the most well known diamond grading institutes like, Gemological Institute of America (GIA)American Gem Society (AGS)International Gemological Institute (IGI)European Gemological Laboratory (EGL)Hoge Raad Voor Diamant (HRD), to name a few, offer laboratory-grown diamond grading reports using the same color and clarity boundaries as the grading system for natural diamonds. 

Lab-grown diamonds are subjected to the same tests to determine their chemical, physical, and optical properties as mined diamonds.

Are lab-grown diamonds a threat to the diamond industry? 

No, absolutely not! They are not a threat to diamond industry, but they are a disrupter. By being economical, environment friendly and ethical, lab grown diamonds have brought fresh perspective to the diamond industry.  

Are lab grown diamonds real? 

Lab grown diamonds are 100% real and as much authentic as mined diamonds. They can not be distinguished from a mined diamond with naked eyes. By replicating the way nature creates diamonds from stones, we now have lab-created diamonds that are structurally identical and give peace of mind to conscious buyers.

Are lab grown diamonds as beautiful as earth mined? 

Not only are lab-grown diamonds as breathtakingly beautiful as mined diamonds, they are easily available too. A typical lab-grown diamond is made available to you in a matter of weeks. The added facilities like color and size customization is also possible. 

That means that you can have 20 identical pink lab-grown diamonds- a rarity if you set out to find similar mined diamonds. By reducing the steps in sourcing a diamond and completely doing away with middlemen, we can assure you that you can have economical, ethical and environmentally conscious diamonds for your diamond jewelry which are at par with their mined counterparts.

Does Diamond Clarity affect sparkle? 

Diamonds are nothing but shiny carbon surfaces juxtaposed together at different angles. If the inner surfaces have some impurities or imperfections (called inclusions), the diamond might not sparkle as much. 

The more "included" a diamond, the less reflection it will have.Almost all diamonds have inclusions; in fact, perfectly flawless diamonds are so rare that most jewelers will never see one.Fortunately, most inclusions can only be seen under 10x magnification, so they are unnoticeable to the naked, untrained eye. 

Diamonds with large inclusions, or a large number of inclusions, will have a low clarity grade.

How to clean cloudy diamonds? 

A clouded diamond can not be cleaned. The impurity causing the clouding is buried deep under the surface of the diamond, and it can not be reached through any process.

What is a Cubic Zirconia? Does it look real? 

Cubic Zirconia is a colorless, synthetic gemstone made of the cubic crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. Cubic Zirconia is not real and is not a diamond, though it is difficult for the naked eye to tell the difference between a Cubic Zirconia and a diamond, with practice you can tell that CZ does not look like the real deal. 

CZ stones are not graded by any grading institutes and they are at best a cheap imitation of diamonds.

How does a diamond become cloudy? 

A diamond becomes cloudy during the formation process itself. Due to impurities or inclusions embedded while the core of diamond was getting formed, the diamonds look slightly hazy or milky when looked closely. It is a natural intrinsic characterisitcs of a diamond.

What are the four C's to diamond buying? 

GIA established a system that has now become the universal standard for diamond grading - the 4Cs of diamonds. A universal language understood across the globe while grading the precious diamonds.The 4 C's stand for:

  • Color
  • Cut
  • Clarity and
  • Carat Weight.

Why do diamonds sparkle even in dim light? 

Diamonds have a high refractive index, but that's just one of the reason for their sparkle even in dark. The light ray passing through a diamond travels through scores of reflective surfaces inside the diamond, and that is the reason for the brilliance you see.The shape and cut of a diamond decides its shine. 

A well cut diamond that has passed through the skilled hands will refract even the tiniest ray of light falling on it. By the way, round diamonds are known for better sparkling abilities.

Are lab-diamonds heavy? 

No, they are light stones.

Diamonds are dense, compact pieces of pure carbon converted due to high heat and pressure conditions. With a specific gravity of 3.52, diamonds are much much lighter than Gold, which has a specific gravity of 19.32. 

In fact, the light weight of diamond is one of the determinants of whether a diamond is real or fake. Cubic Zirconia, often passed on as diamond will weight at least 50% more than a real diamond of same size.

Do man-made diamonds have color? 

Yes, man-made diamonds are available in vivid colors like pink, blue, green etc. They are created by mimicking the same conditions as mined color diamonds encounter inside the earth. Its not just white diamonds that can be created in a lab. 

The fancy colors that you see in these exceptional creations by humans are introduced by adding color-causing atoms to the growth cell during the growth phase, while the diamond's crystal lattice is still developing. 

  • Want yellow diamonds? Add nitrogen. 
  • Fancy blue diamonds? Add Boron.

Are lab-grown diamonds valueless? 

No, its a myth. 

When you buy a lab-grown diamond that is certified by a reputed grading institute,rest assured that you can get similar value when you are trying to resell it. Lab grown diamonds have the same resell process as a regular mined diamond. 

Regardless of the origin, all diamonds are priced using a universal pricing system based on their grading on 4Cs. If your jeweler is unable to accept your diamond- it is just because of the misconceptions surrounding the lab-grown diamonds. Your certificate entitles you to the same resale process as any regular mined diamond.

How expensive are lab grown diamonds? 

Lab-grown diamonds are significantly less expensive than mined diamonds. But lower price has no bearing on their quality. They have all the characteristics of a mined diamond. The process of sourcing a lab-grown diamond is relatively easier as well as faster and hence they are relatively less expensive than mined diamonds.

What are the differences between VVS / VS /VS1 / VS2 diamonds? 

The terms are used to define the various clarity grades of a diamonds. VVS stands for "Very Very Slight" inclusive diamonds - having the list amount of imperfection or impurity. 

These also are the most expensive of the remaining categories. VS is " Very Slight" inclusive diamonds- that means they do have more inclusions than VVS, are not as "near perfect " as VVS, but they are still a good bet to buy. Very slightly included (VS1 and VS2) diamonds have minor inclusions ranging from difficult (VS1) to somewhat easy (VS2) to see with an increase of 10 × magnification.

How rare is it to find VVS diamonds naturally? 

Diamonds are definitely not rare - they are just difficult to find and extract. It is not difficult to find a VVS clarity diamond.

What do jewelers use to look at diamonds? 

Jewelers typically use a monocular, handheld loupe in order to magnify gemstones and other jewelry that they wish to inspect. A 10× magnification is good to use for inspecting jewelry and hallmarks and is the Gemological Institute of America's standard for grading diamond clarity.

Is the naked eye sufficient for appraising jewelry? 


Diamonds on the lowest category of clarity spectrum also have inclusions that are not visible to the naked eye.To evaluate a diamond and to determine its authenticity, you must have the right equipment as well as the right education (Certified Gemologist) to appraise diamond jewelry

Why Should I Buy from The Carat Lab?

While purchasing jewelry from The Carat Lab, you hold all the best cards:

  • Excellent Customer Service

  • High Quality

  • Fractional Cost

  • 30-Day Return Policy

  • Made to Order

  • Conflict Free

Each and Every Diamond We Use is:


We pride ourselves in promoting humane labor practices


No more buyers remorse! Highest value and quality all-in-one

Environmentally Sustainable

Minimal impact to the environment. Enjoy guilt free diamonds


There is no difference between a mined diamond and a lab grown diamond

"Lab-Grown Diamonds are  Redefining 

the Future of Diamonds"

Browse Our Lab-grown Diamond Jewelry Collection 




Desire Drop Fashion Earrings


Ropelet Diamond Bracelet